Monday, December 28, 2009

Day 4 - Warhol at MALBA

We saw a great Andy Warhol exhibit at MALBA, the modern art museum....a perfect way to spend a rainy day. It is a fabulous building and there were works in the exhibit, most of which was on loan from the Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh (we didn´t realize this existed), that we had never seen before. The museum had this incredible wooden bench that we weren´t able to photograph. The wooden slats making up the bench continued beyond the bench itself and tendrilled throughout the three floors of the museum.

Our room overlooking the courtyard at the guesthouse. We were invited to join the owner of the house and other guests at Recoleta for a dinner of salads tonight in the dining room. We enjoyed the dinner and conversation and the feeling of belonging somewhere in BA.

Hank and Ar


  1. Short sleves and no coats!! It's freezing and windy here. Enjoying your blog. Hank looks a little happier than in the first picture at the airport. Happy New Year to both of you. Can't wait to read more.

  2. Jo says that since we haven't seen an update since 2009....she thinks you are either busy.....or arrested.....which is it?

  3. What a hoot following your travels and seeing 'mucho' pics of you. You look great!

  4. I tried to post a comment the other day but I don't see it so I must have done something wrong! I'll try again. I'm really enjoying reading about your adventures and seeing your photos. What a great trip!
