Friday, December 25, 2009

What a start!

Why does Hank look so unhappy? Well, what began as a mellow morning became an anxiety-ridden day of uncertainty as to whether we would make it to Buenos Aires after all on our anticipated arrival date.

The last of our (well, Arlene´s) incidentals got packed just as our next-door-neighbor Jane pulled into the driveway to load our bags into the car and drive us to the Glenside train station. The train was on time and we arrived at Terminal A with plenty of time to spare before our 11:35 flight to Dallas/Ft. Worth for our connection for a 7:30pm flight to BA. The departure board listed our flight as "on time" so we settled in to relax until boarding. Less than an hour before our boarding time, they announced that the flight to Dallas was cancelled and told us to call the airline to rebook our flight.

American Airline´s telephone agent told us that the earliest she could get us out would be the 26th - 2 days later! Frantic, we spoke to the desk agent at the airport and he said the only possibility was for us to go stand-by to Miami at 12:00 for a 7:30 flight from there to BA. This photo was taken after we didn´t get on that flight!

So, we were put on another stand-by list for a 5:40 flight and, if that worked, we could get on an 11:30 connection to BA. Well, eight and a half hours after arriving at the airport, we finally boarded a plane. Profuse thanks to the airline agent who handed us boarding passes for the last two seats on the more than she had apologetically told us she thought she would have five minutes earlier.

So...........we arrived in BA at 10:30 this morning.........and will post photos from our first day here soon.


Hank and Ar

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